Page 371 - chs-1998
P. 371
'l)ea.nna. Ba.ketz
-Partners In cr•me-Pollcemen-Firefighters-
zuchinni-Mr. Squash- Green light means
stop-Red light means go-1 totally
paused! -High speed chases In G-uille-455
Rocket-Cheesewagon-throwing whoppers-
SPLAT!- toilet paper and eggs-Guess you
had to be there-Christmas Party's-
barmaids-taste testers-samples of G.S.-
Santa Clause-Eiuls-Knock!Knock! obody s
Home!-Come on Barbie, lets go
party! Wheresthe ........ barbwlre?-E.R,F.H-
bottles and Butts-pockets-Dodge Ram,
and Wranglers-Rodeos-TractorDriulng-
"look at the uts on that tractor. •.
promoting T-Jan-Party Hartyi-Z.R.-W.D-
sweet dreams-July 4-lawnmowers-
midnight swims-Swannee RiuerJam-J.D-
TWIH-John Michael Montgomery-Hot D-Oh,
MyGosh,l t'saHe/She .... She/He ..... -Guessyou
had to see It to belleue It-Nat; Be sure to
stretch!-Taco Bell-Golden Cream-Huddle
House-l HOP-Cappaclno-bathroom stops-
Moltrle,GR-TWIH-Gold Kist, chicken dance-
dance barn-more wranglers-G-uille- Boston
Market-Clay Walker-Tim McGraw-Its your
Loue(B.J.,J.B)-Loue Gets Me Euery Time
(M.U.,K.J.)-( All our loue goes to Mll<e
(} Kelly!)- ow Dip Baby Dip! -DUH! DUH!
DUH! (B.J.)-May you be bitten by a
diseased camel and peed on by a crazy
goat (mattS.)- loser!-Piayer!-Puni<!-
Semper Fi-
Ooh Rah!-
Were lool<ing For A Few Real Good Men!
Apnl Deland & Deanna Ba er 367