Page 377 - chs-1998
P. 377
Pamela Marie Charles
To my Little Qirt•,
re havt bem hmtS m yolK hfe when I tho ht you
wo!Ad ntvtr grow up and now that lloo back I
wonder where those hmtS havt gone. I hope that I
havt made a d1ffermce m yolK lrfe that will help you
m t years to comt. Tllro h bdd hmtS and good
hmes remtmbtr that I havt alway been here for you
and know that I sl.lwm will
You havt always d a peCial pldCe m my heart that
no o~ tlst can tvtr ftll. It seems l1 e yesterday that
yolK hfe wcu ~t begmnmg and I btcamt a Fat r
and now I reai~JK that your lrfe IS shll ~t begmnmg
and soon 111 nttd to bt yolK fnend mort than your
Fat r.
Gmgrat~Aaljons on makmg 11 "Scmor 98'"
Lovt Always.
Congrat~Aahoos and Best W1shtsD
Qranny Helen
/lv1any warm tho hts and good WIShes are With you
tvtryday. To the t grandda her I know,
Vo\.4 om:c S.\VC me"' birth~"'"i
C.\r~ ..,.,.,~ wrote 1,., it. "Th.,.,.,ks for
bd,.,S S\.fCH .\ src.\t step-mom ..,.,.,~ .\
soo~ frk,.,~." Now It Is m\.j t\.frn to tdl
\.j0\.4 wh.\t "' wo,.,~crtl-41 stcp-~.\l-fShtcr
\f0\.4 .\rc. If I wol-41~ H.\VC H.\~ "' ,_,.,.t\.fr.\1
~.\l-4Shtcr. I wol-41~ H.\vc W.\,.,tc~ hcr to
be jl-fst like \fOl-4. "Th.,.,.,k \.jOl-4 for bcl,.,s
S\.fCH "' src.\t stcp-~.\l-fSHtcr ..,.,.,~ "'
soo~ frlm~." Goo~ ll-fck ;,., .,.n \.jOl-4 ~o.
Smlor '911
Pam Charles Sr. Ad 373