Page 387 - chs-1998
P. 387
Chri topher Deon
"Chri "
You have onlv Just begun, th future IS ·ours. e are \ery
proud of vour accomplishments. You h3\e gn'ell us some
of the best vears of our hves. God has blessed \'OU v.1th
manv talents. Remember what God has gJ\'en 'OU, no
man can take away. e than you for the pedal
memones ·ou have shared v.1th the school church, and
the commuruty Always put God ftrSt m mur e, and et
Hun drrect vour path and mu \\ill make lt. 1av all of your
goals and dreams become a realitv and bring you the
chain of love v.
ne\er be bro et1 e v.ill be there to support
lole Always,
1om, Dad, Darn , Roose\eltJr lenore and Vmceru
Chns Butler Sr. Ad 383