Page 394 - chs-1998
P. 394

Drew              ~ oan

                                               The  day the  doctor  told  us  we  v.ere  to  have
                                        you was one o  the happ1est davs of our ~ve  You are our
                                        "rrurade • child.
                                               You have alv.  1·s  en such a pleasure  !loved
                                         'OUf sheept h gnn  v. hen  vou  \\ere lmle  and  I IO\'e  rour
                                        bea~tifu sm1 e and laugh noo  that I'Ou're grown.
                                               You  have  grov.n  mto a   ea" voung  man
                                        You're  all  we'd  ever  dreamed  mu'd  be.  The  ll'lmt
                                         Important  accomphshment,  though,  ts  I'Our  relatJonsh1p
                                        v.1th  God. When  v.e  ha1e  that  v.e  kno  that our familv
                                         v.1ll  always be to  ether e•emallv
                                               Keep  mur  cnm  up  and  hold  vo  r head  up
                                         h:  h, vou  have  a lot  to Lve  for.  Remember  v.e re be 1de
                                         vou all the v.ay
                                               To the   t b g brother m the v.orld  You  are
                                         our ·caretaker". You alwav~ watch out for u . -.x·e love 100
                                         and   v.lSh   100   good   luc   for   the   future
                                       (Dvanta) and Dome (Dons)
                                                .'ot on!  arn'Ou m ·son, but 1'0u are m1· best
                                         friend  forever  You have been the best son a father could
                                         have  Your mom and I are so proud of  'OU. You have had
                                         a much  hea11er cross  to  bear  than  most.  From  tlus,  VOll
                                         have  become  a verv  solid  young  man  I feel  you  can
                                         accomplish and ach:el'e anything  life has to I'OU
                                                You  can   ':I)'S  count  on  Mom  and  me  for
                                         support. Se  ali rour standards and  oaJ  lugh for murself
                                         and know  e v.  II alv.avs be there for \'Ou
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