Page 400 - chs-1998
P. 400
You took your first 6reatli luring a
fiurricane, you mastere! tfi.e storm an!liaw
accon~(isfi.e! many feats. 'l'inv as ytn~face
tfi.e future of a ·\',.·iae wor(d; we fi(ye you master
tfi.e fife afi.ea! of you ana acfiieve a(( tf your
goafs. We are very yrou! tf you. We wisfi. you
~. accomy(isfiments in your future
fiayyiness in a(( you !o ana wisfi. you great
J:f UL O'U~ LOV'E ana 'B:ESTW'JS']-{:ES,
. ;
' ·~ _;. 'Dad; Vernie,j.j., Pa, &' §.§.
~ .
396 C1ndy Jordan Sr Ad