Page 422 - chs-1998
P. 422

sto11 Cr  ws

         Yol-4've   beeH   m~  oHe                                                       We  h"vc  How  rc"chc~  the
      st"Ht  frieH~  throl-4shol-4t  hish                                         time of 0\.4r  life  where we "rc to  J'"rf
         Yol-4've  "lw"~s beeH  there  for                                        "H~  SO  0\.4r  SCJ'"r"tC  W"~S.   1
     e  "H~  1'11  Hever  forset  ~ol-4.                                          "J'prcc1"tc  ~o\.4  "lw"~s  bciHS  there
      Ol-4Sh  0\.4r ro"~s  re  soOH  to  J'"rf .                                  whcH  1  W"S  iH  HCC~.  l'vc  "lw"~S
      Sl-4re  there  will  be  ,.,  time which                                    relic~  OH  ~0\.4  "H~  fr\.4stc~  ~Ol-4  for
       will  meet  "S"iH.  1  wish  ~Ol-4                                         ~ol-4r  wis~om.   The  thiHSS  we've
             S\.4CCesses  iH  life,  "H~ 1                                        ~OHC  "H~  the  times  'vc've  SOHC
        ~o\.4  will  live  life  to  its  fl-4llest.                              throl-4sh   will   be   rcmcmbere~
      Hcver beCH  oHe  for  m"H~ wor~s.                                           forever.  As ~0\.4 h"vc promise~ me. 1
     1'11  s"~ soo~-b~e here  Goo~ 11-4ck!                                        w"Ht to  sec  ~Ol-4 iH  Mol-4H~iH Home.
                                                                                  Ar~HSM.     'vithiH   teH   ~e"rs.
                  Yol.4r best frieH~.                                             M"ssisOH  Doss~ Doss.  I  horc  ~ol-4
                  M"stOH Cr"l'J'S                                                 m"~ sl.4cccc~  1H  life  "H~ "ccomrlish
                      c. 0  '9t!                                                  "11  of ~o\.4r so"ls.
                                                                                         M"~ Go~ De Wtth Yol-4.
                                                                                         Dc"l-4  C"r~er
                                                                                          C1 0'":!

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