Page 456 - chs-1998
P. 456
Cory Simmons
To Col) •mmon ,
A v.e, your fanuly, ttend the laJ t gradu ti >n '""'
for th 1bhn of Larry and Dorcu Sunmoru., we are v.-1th
great than fulnc that )OU ha\e reach d th1 m1lc t nc m
)OUr hfe. Throu h )our 'ar wre~ I h d pra)ed th t v.e
v.ould enJOY th1 tunc m )OU hfe v.1th you' God h
brou ht u thu far ... We ha\e e"'penenced path of
~..-h II ng , upn Ill 'ar Ill uran~. , lots of 11. 'ream
d1 p anng, tar Tre tone (ugh 1 ) from )OUT pre nee m
our It\ and we are so than ful fur th ble in of h \In
)OU . I no your future 1 not e"'actly planned out at th1
Un , but v. knov. in our hc~~Jt, and feel that God ha the
perted plan lor )OU . You ha\e u~.:h a bi heart I r pi
and can tal your way out ol an)thmg! We anucipate v.1th
reat e"'utcmcnt watchm your future unfold ~t you e
th ne~t h1 t p in )our hfe Than ou for
(}ad, Mom, Carrie, Cbn\Ue, B11l,
and M mav.