Page 469 - chs-1998
P. 469
Dear BrJlldi and Bridget,
\\e are o fortunate to ha\e had the spL'tial
opportunil) to hare o m:Ul} happ~ moments
durin our dL'\e[opment 0\cr the pa.\1 e1 hteen
}ear·. Through 11 all \\C ha\e watched ~our grO\\Ih,
nurtured b~ the Word and hapcd b) its Godl>
prinC!pl , from mf:u1t to )OUng adults.
\\e are extreme[ ble ed to haH! both of >ou as
dau hter . Your accornpUshmcnb, m:ul} and \ancd,
will be co~ tanl reminder of your pecial ulllquenes .
~tay the Lord C\er keep and ncb!} ble each of }OU
as }l>U contmue to \\ lk an ord red path to ucce.
\1om and Dad