Page 491 - chs-1998
P. 491

Xebecca Cvnne Griffin

                                                                                      ./t{ll Deare t J(ebtYca.
                                                                                             Vou  have  trown  tmo  an
          Xebecca,                                                                    tmcll!aent and beautiful voww lad~'.
          Vou       are       the      bet                                            Vou  ftave  brouaht  manv  b(e..,fn(t
                                                                                      tmo m11ltte.  1 thanA   od above tor
          qranddauqhter  in  the                                                      lerrlny  ~'ou  be  a  part  of  mv  /!(e.
                                                                                      J?...cbecca.  ~'ou rv!ll  travel  far  In  /!(e.
          world.  1 am verv proud                                                     ;u~ wt:.h  tor  1/ou  1  that  ~'ou be  the
                                                                                      be  t  L'OU  can  be  and  alnYnt . .,  have
          ofvou.  Mav God ble                                                         love. ·jov  and  compa. ::.!on  In  vour
                                                                                      heart  tor  others.  Vou  are  a  good.
          vou  in  evervthing  vou                                                    ktnd.      lovitUJ.   compa  lonate.
                                                                                      lmellktent. and VUL' beautltiJl ~'Outl(l
          do 1 love vou verv much.                                                    ladv. -1  will alwm;  chert It  our time
                                                                                      n 7 e ·have  -!tared  io(tether.  Vou  are
                        Love,                                                         mv J?...ebecca  whom ]love with all m~'
                                                                                      heart and  ·oul.
                        Grandma                                                                     Cove
                                                                                                    )fum Xaren

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