Page 509 - chs-1998
P. 509
Melissa Marie McGriff
Smce g1vmg b1rth to you on that speCial day, we have
watched you quiCkly grow mto a beaut1ful young lady We are
so proud of you and always happy to talk to people about your
achievements. Your personality 1s one that shows care,
concern, and a lovmg heart. Just b mg able to listen to your
concerns and dreams lets us know of your love for us. We hope
that you w1ll contmue to put God f1rst 1n your makmg of
important dec1slons 1n life. Your outloo on life looks great. We
w1sh you well through graduatiOn, college, adventures, and all
your major decisions. We will always love you be here for you.
Keep shmmg and keep smiling.
We'lllove you forever,
Mama and Daddy
We have been through a lot together, for example yellow
overalls, the s1lver bullet, ·Booger L1ps," and skmned ears. You
are o.k. (I like your boyfnend, too.)
Brad (Bal-toe)
504 Mel ssa McGnlf Sr. Ad