Page 112 - chs-1999
P. 112

The Start of Something  ew

                       he Class of 2002!

                       Th   1  ourtJr  t}earofhigh  ht  )Jand\\eh:ne   Two  of  the  be  t  thing  ahout  tarting  High
                     tm  ed d ne\\  ph.l  e in our lh e  . The cia  o  2002   chool an: participating in homecomin  acti\ itie
                     ha  b '!!Un  t   dju  t  to  our  n '\\  teacher  and  .10d h ·in, ahlc to take part in Pep Ralli  .  a  in
                     cia  e  . We realize\\ e need to\\ ork hard to (let our  part  in homecoming acti\ itie  \\a  \\e  orne.  lt
                     credit  nd make it count tO\\ ard  gradual" o 1. but  \\a  gre  t getting im oh ed in the and e  citement.
                     \\ c al  o \\ant to ha\ e rc  )lll to  <  ialite   ome ot   e  t.  Pep  Rallie  \\ere d  mitely  a ne\\  c  p  ri-
                     u  h  \ e md nn  friend  thi   ear that \\  ,  hop·- enLe.  ben though our lir  t Pep Rail) \  a  kind of
                     fully  tay  with u  for the  rc  t of our high  chool   hak_ . it\\ a  ''n:. t to  ee e\ er) one pump  d up and
                     car  er.                                    e  ch Pep Rally  did get hetter.
                       \  'hene\ a  \\ e  tart  Hndhin!!  new  there  arc   Our fre  hmen  ear ha  h  en an c  <.:client  tart of
                     gm d thing  and had thing  . It h  not taken u  long   omethin, n  wand \\C only  hope th  re  t of our
                     to  n.:aliz  that  the  "hig"  high   h< ol  do   not  High   ht ol career \\ill  ontinue to b  thi  great.
                     alw a}  include  u  in  e\ cry thin!!.   ur  cia   i   lark
                      IO\\ ly  d  pting to hlo  k  cheduling, e\ en thou!!h
                     the  many o  u  feel  the cia  e  arc too long.  Th
                     majority of the  cia  ha  had  no  trouble  ettling
                     into  the  new  chool.   ne  ni<.:e  thing  about  not
                     hdng at the ninth grade i  that it i  not a  confu  ing
                     a  the  outh  ampu   \en tho  _  the building
                     arc much older than the 1 1idd e  d  ool building  ,
                     it ha  not been a hig deal to u .

          108, Freshmen
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