Page 190 - chs-1999
P. 190
Tigers on the attack
(Rtght) D bbl ngdownthec •u M ael
Perry nd the rest of th Ttgers swttch to
th ttac.
(Fa At 1c el Perry goes nto
e tr over e Hamt ton d tense and
tnes to add two more po1nts to the
Ttg rs commandtng lead
The olumbia High Junior \ar- CHAI
. ity ba ketball team. oached by John
Brm\ n, razzled and dazzled "ith a h.:am
performanc that had ne\ er been done
b fore --a 16-1 record. Due to th ' long.
\ igorou practi e chedule th~.: team
bonded o ''ell together. In fact. the team
b nded o \\ell that Da' id Dunham aid
it wa more of a family than a team. The
team only lo came again t Buchholz
High in the third game of the ca on.
·· ft r that lo we made a promi ~.: to
our ehe and to our coach not to lo e
again, and to repa Buchholz for their
fa\ or." aid Da\ id Dunham. The fa\ or
wa returned a month later in a t\\enty
point romping at Bu hholz. That ictory
ymbolized e\ erything the team had
Flyin' High!
practiced for. and made for a great ea- {Above) Leavtng a path of destructton n
hts wa e, Dem tnus Robtnson goes up
on! for two
186 JV Boys' Basketball