Page 199 - chs-1999
P. 199




                                e  H.   ar  it.  Ba  ehall  team  tarted  off th   of the team an;  Ian Ring,  hri   !  1c  all, Thorn
                              ea..,on  '" ith  a hang!  The Tiger  \\on  their  Fir  t   1cDuf te and  Lan  c ..  tapleton.
                             Pitch  Ia  ic.  'I h  y defeated  nion   unt)  and   Th  k  )  to  th  Tiger'   u  c   will  b
                             Lincoln  High  chool  to  b  gin  their que  t for  the  their offen  e.  La  t )Car  '  offen  h  I  ader  . Ian
                              tate  champion  hip.  The  Ti  er  fie  cd  their  Ring and Lance  tapleton are e  p  cting to put up
                             muscle  hy hitting three home run  in their  ictof)  hio number  . On the pitching  ide ol the de  en  e,
                                                                         th  Ti!!  r  \\ill  h  \e  Th  rna   tcDu  fie.   nd)
                                                                         • chrader, Ian Ring and
                                                                         di  a hie the otr cr team'  hatter  .
                                                                                 oacl  <.mnder   'II al  o take hi  team  to
                                                                         P~.:n  acola  to  P•u)  in  tt t.   '1er  Ia  ic,  \\hich
                                                                         bring  the  h~.:  t ba  eba  p  ~ram  togt.:ther  to
                                                                         play in one hi  tournament.  The Ti!!  r  fir  t pia.
                                                                         a  team out of Ohio and hope to mO\ e on to pia)
                                                                         in the  hampi  n hip  !!am~.:.
                                                                                 II  of  the  pla) er  on  the  team  h  pe  to
                                                                         ha\ e a better record  than  Ia  t 1 ear and  \\ill  tr)
                                                                         their be  t to'" in the  chool'  tir  t  tate champion-
                                                                          hip.  With nc'' life in th~.: Ba  eball pro!!r  m.  th~.:
                                                                         Tiger  are an  iou  to get out on the diamond and
                                                                         de  troy an)  team that trie  to get in their\\ ay.

                                                                                                          nd J

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