Page 235 - chs-1999
P. 235

Being All We Can Be

                                       ers are
                                       Battalhon  Commander·
                                       Gen  Drawdy                 Gene Drawdy IS the        or 25 years JROTC has
                                       BXO C MAJ-Andrea Lee        25th F1ghtrng Tiger
                                       c s M  C s M • S t  v  n    Battalion Commander.   F grown and prospered at
                                       Scarpa S·t  C MAJ • Ja·     He has been aff1hated     CHS. The  membership
                      Andrea lee IS the   son  H   nnder  S- Ct    With the JAOTC            is  open  to  9-12  grade.
                                       1            3
                      Batt lion E  ecutlve   L T -Brad  Clyatt  S- C/   program for  our years.
                                       2LT-Tnc1a  Barnes  S-                                 They  must  maintain  a
                      Offlcer of the twenty-  4  2                 He IS very mot1vated
                                        c  L T _  Mel ssa  Land
                      fi  h f1ght1ng T1ger   s-s c 2L T  _  Sylvia   and determ1ned  Gene    passing GPA in order to
                      JAOTC Battalion  As   S1mard  Admm  co  C/  has always shown good leadership   participate  as  well  as
                      theXOofthe98-99   SFR-Deanna  Kyle  s  1llsboth  nandoutofschoooi.As   posses a good attitude,
                      school year, Andrea   Admm  SGM  MSG  - Commander he has worked hard to
                      IS the pnnc1pal   Katnna Ran  n Record  r  help the other cadets understand  ha   leadership,  good  con-
                      ass1stant and    Manager  •  Master  hard work can pay o  WI  h a real   duct, and wear the uni-
                                       Sargeant · Lone Stewart
                      qual f1ed adv1sor to              of sat1sfact1on and that fun ts a so a   form  with  distinction.
                      Batthon Commander,                part of JROTC.
                      Gene Drawdy. As part r.===============::;;;;;;;;-1                     Qulaifiying  for  the
                      of her dut1es, Andrea                                                  ROTC  Scholarship  is
                      1nsures that the staff
                      1s properly orgamzed                                                   dependent  on
                      and that reqwred                                                       maintaing  these  high
                      reports are submitted                                                  standards.
                      1n a timely and orderly
                      manner. She has
                      been part of the
                      JAOTC program for
                      four years  According
                      to Master Sgt.
                      McGroarty, Andrea IS
                      an outstanding cadet
                      and an all around

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