Page 244 - chs-1999
P. 244
;JM tnorial ag
.. anbi of n::amr" bv atfw lranbt
(E"I)r goob fortunrs f wr arr bltssrb to mttt agam
anb bonmtaUS on vour stbr or minr
anb lrssons tl)at b:ltrr lrarnrb for two soul.l ml)o }).tbr bern togrtl)rr
l)aur kept our })carts togrtl)rr Lor sud) a long ltmr.
turn aftrr turn
l»l)rn onr p.-xssr.s .obrr
anb onr ut ldt brl)tnb
thr bonb 1s onlp brok.rn for brrv short trmr
'UJJr nr1l tf)at ] looh tl)rougl)
l)as no ronfus1on or mistrust Heath Delair tl)r misbom of our gurbri 5 POU tooh ll)at grntlt Sttp
to l)tlp u1J abJUst from rartl) to mp rralm
matcl)rb pour cr.onmg ohrr
ltk.r a ilu.pprr t tl)r l)rlm
Dur tistnct
tn1ll b a~ ont
as ttrrnrtp 1s to ttmr
Michael Williams
as mr again arr rnricl)rb
bp tbr warmtl) of tl)t ltgl)t
Jo h nder on
240 Memonal P