Page 303 - chs-1999
P. 303
Today, you re our perfect Joy and an answer
to our pray rs . We are o happy and proud of
you, our beautiful boy. We are looking forward
to watch ng ou grow and s elng the person you
will become. We loue you o much.
Mom and Dad
June 4, 1999
Today, upon your graduation, you haue grown Into
our handsome young man. You are so smart and
determmed, w1tty, funny, generous, and kind. You
are the best son any parents could ask for. We haue
enjo ed euery minute of your growmg up, and our
house full of friend • We now that whateuer you do,
you Will do It to the best of your ability, because that's
the way you re . We are still loolong forward to
watchmg you grow and mature. We are always so proud
of you, and we Will loue you always.
Mom and Dad
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