Page 358 - chs-1999
P. 358
Ja on
Glas coc
am ver) proud or you Way to go Yoda! Jason ,
Congratulation , Uncle Rtc The1e are two last.o ,,r:s we can &~>e ow children. e u You ha>e been a great brother
roots, the other 11 wana•
Ja on. Love.
1 am very pr ud o }OU . You could Juon.
neHr know ho much I loH you . You are U•Cb a "'ooderfu· 1 rt and I c(w,n h
Lo\e, Me 1a Shirley e•ery mome~t tbat I ave been able to hare "'lth y You
have alway m de me prood to e yout Mo~r II has
beeo I JO} 10 WI 11 you &<OW from I IOVIDI l,ule boy tOtO
the youna mao that you have become ConJCltulall "' on
your grada•llon and I wi•h only &he very best r.,. your
fu1ure I love you >ef) mu'h
Love, \t m
'ongratulation to a numb r one Grand on. \ou
ha> al~a} mad u Hr) proud. \\e ~i h }OU good
luck and happine~ in all of )OUr future endea>or .
Remember to: ( h ri h Ye tcrda\; Dream Tomorl'()\>;
l.h Toda). ·
Lo>e \tema Brenda and Papa George
Loo e your drea nd you wtll I o ~ your m;nd
Congratulation ,Uncle Mtke, Aunt Kath), Mtchael,
Daniel and Brennan
354 Jason Glasscoc