Page 410 - chs-1999
P. 410

~tti ~nae Pierso[

                                                •  ttl,                              Suave,
          'B{u~,                                                                            •Wt  fiaue  sfiar   o mucfi  tfiro'!Bfi
                I  QU  /im_oe  a ways 6an  ,qr at .>ist  r                            tfi.   11ears:  6ufroom  ,  cfosets,  atfvtct.,
          an  aC. ny.- r riL( 6e.  %an ·.  for 1ieing  tfzae                          {augfiter,  tears,  ecr~ts ...  and' u e sfiare  a
          ~  fi  n  I  nt  e  you. Congratu(atwns.                                    bond' tfiat  IS  intfr.  r.ri6a6fr.  I {ovl  you  ana I
                               iJtlitfi foz1  ,                                       ar 1 so proud' o  y  u.
                               Ju  r~  ~ogan}                                                                •  'Y

                                           _ 'etti,
                                                  5l(tfwugfi  one  of {our,  you  fio(a a
                                           specia( p(ace  in  our  liearts.  IJ1Je  fiave
                                           enjoyea  fie(ping  you grow from  a  tiny
                                           6  6y  to  a fin  young woman.  'He admire
                                           your  determination  ana marve( at  your
                                           grace.  9our strong mind ana wann heart
                                           uJi(( ma  e you a wonaerju( nur:e.  ~Ve are
                                           proua of you ana we (ove !:JOU  Very mucfi.
                                                                   ~[om ana mad


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                                                      &  if::-. ....:.~;;;-·· .
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                                                      'ilt···: .  ~   ..  :
                                                      -~~·t·.  '       .  ~
                                                          ~  .......

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