Page 482 - chs-1999
P. 482

Jam~. w~ ar~ proud a~ ean b~
                                                 for you JU~t b~ing a part of our
                                                t2 long y~ar  to str~  and striv~.
                                                 to k~~p not only yours, but our
                                                         dr~am  aliv~.

                                                'til way~ look for>Nard  n~v~ baek,
                                                as you  hf~ proeuds on th~ right
                                                 You ean do it  th~·a no doubt,
                                                 movmg for>Nard  i~ what it'  all

                                                  f'rom Mom, ~ad, ~nia, ~lly,
                                                    Willi~ ~l~y. and 13lak~.
                                                 Cur lov~ and bpt Wi~hu ~aeh
                                                      t~p of lif~ you mak~.
                                                 Ju  t watehmg and list~ning at
                                                        ~aeh ball gam~
                                                to bluahmg With  pnd~ wh~n th~y
                                                        eall your nam~.

                                               Onel~ Jamu. w~ ar~ proud of you,
                                                  w~·r~ going to grad~ t2 too.
                                                 In  ~ehool w~·r~ going to  tay,
                                                 thanka for  bowing u  th~ way.
                                                    ·~ov~· ~~ y and 13lak~

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