Page 530 - chs-1999
P. 530

erving God


                                                                                  nior  !

                                                                              'Th  youth gr  up  f

                                                                              the Fir t  nitcd

                                                                              Methodist Church
                                                                              wi  h  you th  very

                                                                              b  t. May         d richly
                                          FIRST UNITED
                                                                              ble  all your future
                                    METHODIST CHURCH,
                                                                              endeavor  !
                                             LAKE CITY

                                 Committed to the youth of Columbia County

                                  "For I know the plans I
                                   have for you, ... plan  to  r--~:::-.~:::=::::='.._-=:.._--....

                                  prosper you  and not to
                                  harm you, plans to give
                                  you hop  and a future"
                                  (Jeremiah 29: II).

                                  "The only thing that
                                  count  is faith ex-

                                  pressing it  elf

                                  through love'
                                   (Galations 5:6).

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