Page 202 - chs-2000
P. 202
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The Sen1or and Jun1or
Class of 1999 would like
to thank Mrs. Lynch for
putttng together such a
nice Juntor-Sentor prom.
We loo forward to many
more spectal events under
her leadership.
Posing pretty in t e pa at downtown La e C1ty After a long nig t of danc1ng, Jack1e Johnson and
are Joyce Moussa, Casey Carder, Mon1ca Carson, and Avery Crapps Cand1ce Watson ta e a break.
On their way to the dance room Steven Edwards Watang to get nto the ~mo s even Bedenbaug Abel G'eene g.ves grandmother one liSt hug
and Kacey V1nson say "Hurry up.• be ore he poe up date
and Candice Carter stop for a QUICk pocture.
This couple, Megan
Conlon and Nathamel
Watson, Are wait1ng
patiently to have their
pictures ta en. This is
a very special part of
the total prom "experience."