Page 271 - chs-2000
P. 271
Leah Moreau
To my daughter Leah,
Words cannot express
how 1 am feeling at this momen
1n t1me. 1 knew th1s day would
eventually arnve, but 1t seems
li e yesterday that your Dad and
1 brought you home from the
hospital. You have grown up to
be a beaut1 ul and sweet spmted
young woman of whom I am so
proud. You have accomplis ed
so much already, but what I am
more exc1ted abou is all the
wonderful things that you have
yet to do. The world out t ere Is
waiting for you; s rze every
opportun1ty to learn all you can
about 1t and most of all yourse1f.
Continue to live a life hat will
honor God and he w1ll bless you
for it Richard and I eel so
blessed o be your parents and
are proud to call you our
We love you!
Mom, Richard, Cal lin, Jenny &
Leah Moreau 267