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P. 288


                                            It seems  h  e  yesterday  e  w  re  bnng1ng  you  home  fro   the
                                            hosp1tal, where d d the years go?  God truly b essed us when  e
                                            sent you to us.  Know that whatever you decide to do 11'1  I fe  and
                                              oever you  decide to spend it w th  we waJ  a ways s  pport you
                                            We are ext rem  ly proud of the young women you  are  We have
                                            enJOyed watch1ng you grow up and be ng there to share 1 Wit  you.
                                            All the  t1111es  we went on tr ps w1t  you and a lithe part as you·ve
                                            had.  Yo  have  so  a  great  fr ends  1n  A J • Je  Sica  AI t  ony,
                                            Kr s  and Ma   Stay 1n  touc  w th  t  em  fort  ey   I forever be
                                            yolJr  rue trends  Always reme  ber  o g ve God ltle Glory for a I
                                             at you have put  m f rs  n your lrle  He WII never forsa  e you
                                            Kno   at you are tru  loved and we w  a  ays be   re lor you,
                                            nomatterw  at
                                                                      Love A ways
                                                                      Mo   and Dad
                                            S ssy,
                                                    Can you be  eve it, you are hna I  here  All of your
                                            hard   rk and dediCatiOn has fma ly paod oH   wan  you  o  now
                                            how proud  I  am  of  you   ever forget  that  I love  you and  wll
                                            a  ays to   you WI  h a I of my heart.  I want to wosh  you good I  ck
                                            on  all you do'  t  now that  you  w1l  be a very success ut person.
                                            Don't forg   1 you  ever need a shoulder to cry on or  you  lUSt
                                            need SO!Tleooe to  a  to I WTM  always be here tor you
                                                                Love forever and a ways,

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