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J                        L                 y

                                               ~I can do all thmgs through Chnst whtch  treng hens me •  Ph•hpptan  4 13
                                               Th1s •s the creed by wh1ch you hve  Cont•nue to tru  t 1n  the Lord and to thme own  elf
                                               so than  ful that 18 years ago the  Lord  sent me a blonde ha1red blue  eyed  bundle of  n  rgy
                                               say that the th•rd t1me  1s  the charm  That certatnly 1s the case when 1t  comes to you  You  r  such
                                               a  creat1ve  person'  I am  constantly  amazed  at  the  creat1ve  talent, wh1ch  you  have  been  b es  ed
                                               w th  You  ar  a true JOY  and  ble  1ng  to me and  I love you  very much'  I am  so proud  of   the
                                               thmgs  you  have  accomplished  through  your  hard  woril.  and  determ1nat1on   I  am  conf d  nt  that
                                               whatever  you  dec1de  to  do  in  your  ife  you  wdl  accomplish   You  have  the  determ1nat1on  and
                                               wlllpower to  see  your dreams  through  to t  e end.  I WISh  you  love  and  JOY  t  roug  out  our hfe
                                               Contmue on the path you have chosen and all will end we I
                                                Love, Moher

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