Page 377 - chs-2000
P. 377

Robbie  Ash

                                            My Dearest Robb1e,
                                                  What a JOY you have broug  t 1nto my life
                                            Ev  ry laugh, tear, and   r tantrum you hav  g v
                                            mo has always b  en a Joy and an adventure
                                                   I  am  so  proud  of  the  man  you  have
                                            become, and I know you wd  be succ  1n a I tha
                                            you do
                                                   God truly gave me a fl'tl when he bl   ed
                                            me  w1th  you  May you  ta  e h1s  91ft  he  gave  you
                                             roughout your adu  11  e  d never lorget he broug
                                            you here to your Dad and me.  Good luc  Robbie 1n
                                            all  that you do  Mom, D  d, Christy, and Q.® will
                                            always be with you
                                                                     Love you,
                                                   I just want to say than  you for be~ng my
                                            son, than  you fOf b  ng my In  nd, and   you for
                                            playmg ca ch w  me all   years.
                                                   I m proud of you for what you have done
                                            and I'm proud of you for who you are
                                                   AJwa   nu   r 22 bu  forev  r number 1  n
                                                   We I, II  e bro  er you've ftnally made 1!.  I
                                            remember when  we were younger how we always
                                            stood by one ano  er and h  lp  d the other a ong the
                                              y  w  'v  co  rt.Jed to do   t through our te  nage
                                            years and I   flat has saved us bo   I m so proud
                                            of you for overcommg the obstacles that have been
                                            se  orth for you  I want you to  now I  II stand by
                                            you 1n every d  Slon you make 1n I fe.  I Wish you the
                                            best of   and have comple e fa   you  o choose
                                             en   pa
                                                                     llo  e you.
                                                              Your B1g S  • Chnsty
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