Page 389 - chs-2000
P. 389
Betcha d dn't thin I'd be putting an ad in your sen1or yearboo , •d ya? Surpnse•
I thin rt's safe to y that the bond between us was formed way before w can remember. I mean, our
moms had a baby shower together for the two of us and we were bapbzed tog her. We go way back, don't
The t1me from then on IS filled with memories and great times. I won't go into detail, after all, we both
have reputat1ons to preserve But there are some things that can't go Without ment1ofllng How can either of
u forg those day fi ed with happy meals, Pepe's office, the famous magnol'a tree, our little "star" show,
M1guel's restaurant, oranges net purple soda, the famous Sesame Street table, Johnson Theatre, "bis y-
blockers" and the blueberries (a k.a. pebbles) from the street next to your house. Those were the good ol'
days and we ruled the world
Time fl•es, though ow you're out of high school and I'm into the home stretch We're about to enter a
who e new world But hey, you' I get there before I do so you can let me in on some of those httle secrets.
Jess, guys lrke you don't come ong e eryday. Ju t th n ng o all t e stuff you've been mvolved 1n
g s me dizzy! You've mad your mark at CHS and in the lives of many people ow, it's time for you to
ma e your m 1n the world. Wherever you choose to go and whatever you choose to do, never forget two
things. One the only person who doesn't ma e m1 a es IS the on who never tnes. And two: I love you I
Jo e
Jess and Josey 385