Page 495 - chs-2000
P. 495

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                                                                       It is always good when you have your fr"ends
                                                                       cheering you on from the side lines. These
                                                                       two young men kept everyone motivated!

            Our young Tiger basketball team takes a                Students in Columbia County Schools
            moment to pause and smile for the camera.
                                                                    were able to participate in  basketball
                                                                  games, races, and many other sporting
       '''• ..... , ..... , ..... , ·•'''• ...                     Spring Special  Olymipcs. The day long
                                                                     events during both the Winter and

                                                                   events were a huge success for every-
                                                                                  one involved.

              After shooting some hoops the
              Trojans take a break to relax.

                                                             The Trojans really learned the meaning of the word
                                                             teamwork while they battled it out on the court.

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