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Jamia Eles Jackson

       Pookey,                                                  Jamia,
             The happiest day of my life was May 15,  1982.            Congratulations!"        We  are  so  very
      On that day not only did I get a baby sister, but a best   proud  of  you,  your  accomplishments,  and
      friend.  We have had so much fun.  From our road trips    achievements!  This is just the beginning of a
      on 1-95 to the selling can dr"nks on the side of the road.  I   whole  new  chapter  in  your  life.     Just
       am  truly  blessed  to  have  a  sister  like  you.
       Congratulations!!!   I  am  so  proud  of  you.   Just   remember  that  with  God  all  things  are
       remember that with God all things are possible.          possible.  If you  keep Him f1rst,  there's no limit
                                 Your Big Sister,               to  what you can  do.  We  love you  always.
                                        Ina                                                Mom and  Dad

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