Page 537 - chs-2000
P. 537
Jacki. Suzanna.
I can't believe the time has come for
I don't even know where to begin.
us to graduate. It seems like just
Since middle schooL your friendship
1;Je$ter w were in sixth grade has meant s:o much to me. Through an
disliking each other. Who would have
af my p blem9. 9ou have always: been
believed then. that we would have s:omeone I could open up to and know
become ~ch good friends! Over the that ml;J s:ecrets are s:afe with 9oul
pa~ five l;Jears ou have been more
You stood b'j me through s:ome af the
than a friend to me. You have alwal;Js:
toughest times af ml;J life, and I want
been the pers:on I could come to with
'.:JOU to know that I am so grateful for
problem9. trust. and rell;J on at any
l;Jour support. £ven though 9ou're
time. We have both been through
miles awa1;J, 9ou are still one of my
some difficult times, but with each
very best friends and I would do
other's: s:trength and support we made
anything in the world for you. I know
it through. that our friendship is: strong, and even
I lov you and wish you the be~ af
the di~ce can't bring us down!
luck in the future! Remember I'm
Thanks again, and good luck!!
alwal;Js here for you! Congratulations! I love you!
Love, Jacki Johnson
Suzanna Zahner