Page 549 - chs-2000
P. 549

                                      W  ar  more than p oud of you.
                                Your strong Conv1ct1ons and  w   pint
                                ma   you spec1al, you re an  sp1ra  on.
                                      Ke  p  your  ai h  'n  God  strong,
                                Always put h m f1rst m your Iii  Th  s  y Is
                                 th  limit  for  you.  Reme  ber, ....  to  u  ,
                                 you II a   ys be a SUCCESS,
                                           We Love you,

                                        I Love you,  and YOU  should  realize the potential you
                                 have  in  life.  Your  awesome!  You  are  going  to  make  a
                                 Difference in  this World, I just know  it!  Good luck and  God
                                 Bless you!       Love you  'Mommy" and John.

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