Page 597 - chs-2000
P. 597
Crystal and A.J.
Cr tal,
\\ ht.>r~ o I bt.>gm to tell you hO\ much I love you. I it th
ftr t lim~ I aw your beautiful mtl or th ftr t tim I h ard you
laugh 1 1 Ia t •car and h If ha been th be t tim of my life
b' , Ul> I h, \ ~ :h red 1t w1th m on I can ay I truly love .
... .-·--- Cr) t II 1m v~ry proud of you, I know no matt r what happen:.
I ha\ bl"1!n bl ed with an angelm mr hf and I want you to
I '111 alw, y b here for you. love you with all my
Love Always,
Th pa t year and a half has been
the be t t1me of my tfe. When we tarted
dating I nut only gamed a boyfriend, but also
a b t fritmd. Even though we have had our
up and :towns we have tuc t gether and I
than G 1d every mght for you. I don't know
what th futur hofd for us, but I hope and
pray it puts u together forever. I love you
wtth all my heart!
Your forever and alway ,