Page 620 - chs-2000
P. 620

The 53rd volume of Tlte Columbian.  "Oh. the 'Place  We'll Go" wa
                         pub I!.  hed bv J{efff }one  'Publ!  htng and 'Printing Companv In
                   Charlotte. North Carolina.  The annual Ita  616 paqe  that are Smvthe
                    Sewn and Ita  a trim of 9  12.  The paper  tock wa  80~ qlo  enamel.

                                              Black wa  the ba  e ink color.
                   The roval purple vearbook wa  embo  ed with qold number  In honor of
                       the vear 2000.  Onlv 1.000 co pte  of the Columbian were printed ..
                    The vearbook  taff would like to thank the people who made thl  book
                        uch a  ucce  : Mtke Cadv and ]o  h Cadv. our local J{erff ]one
                   repre entat/ve : }{erff }one : 'Patrick Bunn our Charlotte repre  entatlve:
                           Bill. jeff. Stan. and [J a ofDelmar Photoqraphv Studio  .

                      To ;;tbbte Cha  teen. Edttor-tn-chtef: co-editor : Patrick Doug/a . ]av
                      Swl her. Matt Medetro  . Tiara Sapp. Xrl tin Xhachtgan. Monica
                            Car on. Lin lev J{arrl  . Ca  ev Carder. D.;R_.l7tn!ng. and
                                  pee/a/ thank  to our advl or Mr . Colvin Carter.

                    Thank vou evervone for all of vour hard work and will!ngne  to help.
                                  thl  vearbook wa  a true  ucce  becau  e ofvou.

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