Page 71 - chs-2000
P. 71

A good
                             sense of
                             humor is
                             a great          Goa                                       •
                             when                                                                        •
                             with                Ta  ing ·t  o the
                             enjoys a
                             laugh at
                             the Field  Who e  school  focuses  on  making  scores  that
                             Day                          will  put  CHS  at  the  top
                             at the
                             stadium.     Tremendous focus was placed on improving test scores  Every teacher
                                        increased test taking skills by emphasizing FCAT and HSCT practice.  Math
                                        Moments and Write Rights combined with computer programs should make a
                                        dramatic impact on the rating that the state will award CHS.  Score reports for
                                        FCAT are due June 2 and then we will know if we "sk1nned
                                        the (F)CAT!
                                                    ''  hi  ha  be  n a  ar if que  tion  ... what i  going to
                                       happ  n with the Y2K, the new millennium.  Predi  tion  were made
                                       that thi  \\ ould b  th  end of normalcy a  we know it.. but it turned out
                                       to  be  ju  t  an Hher  c  citing  year  of I  aming  and  doing.   I  t of
                                        mph a  i  ha  been put on rai  in!! te  t  core  and we are all hop  ful  that
                                       the effort  \\ill prm e  ucce  ful.  ven though my cia  e  are t  large
                                       thi  }ear.  or the  undi\ ided attention I like to give. man  blooming
                                        rti  t ha\c made them  el\e  kn  \\n"  aid  1r  . Canda  e Hine
                                                           he Guidan  e offi  e at b  th campu  e  i  where  tudent  he  · up
                                                         on  red it  earned,  h  dule  hange  . and identif} · ng any problem
                             for over                    they might need help with.  Mr  . Barbara Meek  how  Brooke Bem
                             2,000                       that her credit  are going to tum out ju  t right  Brooke want  to get
                                                         thi  information  erified  ince  he i  off to F   after graduation.
                             keep a
                             smile        ea\ ing  H   outh and mo\ ing over to CH   · orth wa  an e.  iting
                             from the
                                        challenge  for  Dann}   wen  . former  CH   rt  m  tru  tor  Mr
                             faces of
                                          w  n'i  J  ined  \1r v ard  at  the   orth  ampu  a  new  a  I tant
                                        prinupal  .  The  outh campu  wei
                                           'ii'itant Pnnctpal after many  uc  e  ful  ear  at  H
                                        c.ampu'i will b  Rtchard  n  1iddle  h  I ne.  t year  Many  hange
                                        are in the work.  for the 2   2  I  c.h  I year   dmtm  trat  r  \\ll
                                        ha\e  man  challenge'i  a  the}  make  de  1.  Ion  for  the  Ft  White
                                          cho  I l  k   It}  1iddle,  RI  hard  n \1Iddle.  and  mcludmg  9th-12th  grad   at  th
                                                     outh campu
                                                                                                           Faculty, 67
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