Page 78 - chs-2000
P. 78


                                                         •  •  •
                                                                                                  Latova Ad  ms
                                                                                                  Latoya Adams
                                                                                                   Hope AI  sst
                             'r  Almo  t                                                       J  w  na Alexand  r
                                                                                               Edward Alexand  r
                                                                                                   Ctnton Alford
                                                                                                 S  r:y Allbntton
                                                                                                Jennifer All  nd  r


                         hroughout  our  lives  there  are  certain  times
                     that  we  will  always  remember.  Our  little  league
                     games,  first  days  of  school,  graduation  ceremo-
                                                                                                   AmyBas  I
                     nies,  and  wedding  days  will  all  eventually  be                         Alan B  n  ett
                     captured  on  videotape .  It  is  the  " stuff"  in                       H  ath  r Benn
                                                                                                   Brandt Berry
                     between  that  makes  these  times  so  special.                         Chrrstopher Beth  a
                         Fifty  years  from  now  we  may  not  remember  the                       Amy Blatn
                     "Junior  Parade ''  that  we  made  on  the  first  day                    Wand  II  Blan on
                                                                                                 M  rk Boatrt  ht
                    of school.  We  probably  won 't  remember  what  place
                     we  finished  in  homecoming.  We  might  not  remember
                    our  teachers '  names,  but  the  bond  that  the
                    graduating  class  of  2001  shares  is  NOT  to  be
                    forgotten .
                         There  never  has  been  and  there  never  will  be
                    a  class  like  ours.  The  unity  in  this  class  makes
                    us  different  from  all  the  rest.  The  way  all  the
                    different  students  pull  together  when  we  want
                    to  is  AMAZING.
                         Although  one 's  Junior  year  isn 't  the  one                         Brad Broo
                                                                                                  Dusttn Brown
                    that  they'll  always  remember,  the  MEMORIES  made                      Le  ·Andra Brown
                    by  the  Junior  class  are.  They 're   the  memories                        Parley Brown
                                                                                                Ryan Brund
                    that  we 'll  take  with  us  to  college  or  wherever
                                                    our  lives  take  us.
                                                    These  are  the  times
                                                    we ' ll  sit  our                             Arthur Bryant
                                                    grandkids  down  and                          Jtlltan Bry  nt
                                                    tell  about  as  " the                        Terre I Bu  y
                                                                                                  D  a Bullard
                                                   good  old  days."                             Stephen Bunn
                                                        Although  these
                                                    days  here  at  CHS
                                                   aren ' t  caught  on
                                                    videotape ,  they ' ll                      Ttffany Burg  ss
                                                                                             Am  nda Burrou  h
                                                   become  the  memories                          Kevtn But  r
                                                   we  hold  closest  to                        Oesh  wn Byrd
                                                   our  heart.                                     J  mte Byrd

                         officer  thi  year \\ere   hie    By:Tiara Sapp
           'abinger,  Tiara  app,  and  Laura   unningham.
                                                                                                 Lecosta Byrd
          The  e girl  did an e  c  llent job repre  enting their                                 Holly C  I  y
          cia  thi  year.                                                                     Andr  w Calloway
                                                                                              J   tea C  lloway
                                                                                               Ktmberly Cannon

         74, Juniors
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