Page 86 - chs-2000
P. 86
u lOf - ·ng to the
Working diligently in
Journalism proves to be
full of excitement for Loren
Whigham Kr sten Goss,
and lvey Carter.
Keosha Sheppard
ovella S eppard
Chnst1e S 1ver
Matthe Short
R1chard S1mmons
Bntnee S1mpson
Chnstopher S1ng e ary
Deana Sm h
Kel1 Sm h
Matt ew Sm h
Tlffan e Sm th
Colt Snowd n
Enka Sommers
Stacy Sowards
Andrea Stan ey
Patnck Stanley
Tma Ste1ghner
Ja1me Stephenson
Rob n Stevens
Hea her Stoec ert
Bnan Son
Vmod Suresh
Carlo Tan
eha Tha or
Brandon Thomas
Cand•ce Thomas
John Thomas
K1mberly Thoma
2, Junio