Page 118 - chs-2001
P. 118

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                                                \tVHA T \¥£NT ON ....                          CO    G      t  S. ••
                                                                                         1 sr PlACE • SENIORS
                                                                                         2NI> PlACE • JUWIORS
                                                                                         ) Rl>  PlACE • FPESHtolfN
                                                                                         1/fH PlACE· SOPHC»JJRES

                                                     11'te  firs+  l'to~eco~ing of
                                               +l'te  ~i((enniu~ was i~~inen+
                                               as it peaked its head  around
                                               +l'te  corner of HaUoween.
                                               Ho~eco~ing organi:zers
                                               jugg(ed f(oat  f>ui(ding,  ski+
                                               nigh+, +he  f>onfire,  pep  ra((y,
                                               and  not to  ~ention +a((ving  up
                                               +l'te  points eacl't  c(ass earned
                                               eacl't  day.  Ho~eco~ing +his
                                               +i~e around  was ~ore hectic
                                               and  cl'aao+ic  +han  ever! E.acl't
                                               day  was a new even+,  a new
                                               +l'te~e. E.ach  day tl'te  c(asses
                                               t>a++(ed  it out for a cl'aance  at
                                               firs+  p(ace. I+  was a spirited
                                               week +l'ta+  ended up  wi+l't
                                               Seniors  winning +he go(d, for
                 CONT£STS ......               +he  second year; Juniors  won           ACTlVlTES ...
                 ALVMN1                        tl'te  sitver;  Fresl'trvten  won +he    'BONFIRE
                 DARREL                        f>ron:ze;  and  Sop#'ao~ores go+         f ACVL TV  STVDENT GAMES
                                                                                        FIELD DAY
                 DRESS VP DAYS                 l'tonoraf>(e  rvten+ion.                 flOAT DVllDING
                 FACVLTV                                                                FOOTllAll GAME
                 NAPKlN                                                                 PARTIES
                 WE CARE                                                                PEP RAllY
                                                                                        <t_VEEN &  KING
                 PREGAME TlCKET SAl                                                     SKITS
                 W\t\111  MEMOR1Al                                                      UTIGER TROr

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