Page 172 - chs-2001
P. 172


                                                                                               uture Farmer.

                                                                                        (1.  to  Rl  1 t  Ro~: Da)lt  \ining,  \ruanda
                                                                                        ford.  Leanne  Bail  )•  Jacque  Park,
                                                                                        Tract)   Polehill,   :\lark   Boat~ right,
                                                                                        Da~id Jone\,  Je"ica  Richard  ,  Heather
                                                                                        lli,::,::in,,  'Iodd  Shultz,  2nd  Ro~:  Joe
                                                                                        Parri  h,   \  hie}   Sa}lor,   Sonn)'
                                                                                        llarrin,::ton,  Blanton  I.ord.  \\ill  \toore,
                                                                                        Ronnie   orri  ,  Jeffer)'   Pennington,
                                                                                        Jamie  Richard  ,  3rd   Ro~:  Heather
                                                                                        Da~i ,  Ton)  \\il on,  Brian  tone,  Cat)
                                                                                        1\:a\ah,  \\a)ne  Blanton,  Brock  Parker,
                                                                                        Tan} a  (rihh,  \ngie   f  ralick,  Julie
                                                                                        Kinard,  Sherr)'  \tiller,  4th  Ro~: Bran-
                                                                                        don  ha,::le,   Tra~i'  McFatter,  Colt
                                                                                        Cagle,  Ja  on  Br)an,  Brent  ProHaux,
                                                                                         ichole  Bru\h,  . ara  Jo  Robert  ,  I.e  lie
                                                                                        \\itt,  <..arie  Cumming  ,  f  ddie  Polho\,
                                                                                        \  ill   aul

      (L to R) 1 t Row: Blake Gra-
     ham, Robert Holloway, Jenna
       teichen,  ichola  Dant, 2nd
      Row: Tony Fulton, Du  tin
       ickdam, Ju tin Blakley, Je
     Jame , Eli Hacker, 3rd Row:
       1ichael Griffin, Thoma
      DDavid, Micheal Dominguez,
      Thoma  Langer, Monterance
      Kel  ey, Mr.

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