Page 178 - chs-2001
P. 178
rts Rtght: Shantel Jones and Kelhe Kenmngton r II dre ed
up for Cooperattve Bustne s Educatton.
Below: Stacy Allbntton and Ross Frankltn repre ent th
Cnmtnal Justtc Club
CHS Sfl1le
Ot1 November 10, 2000, sru~rnts from
CHS wl1o l1 ~ bern cl1osrn to be Swect-
l1earts or Heartl1robs ro~e ~ow.-1 Matio11
Street it1 tl1e l1omecomi115 para~e!
Above. Megan Ptersol and Brett Frazer show off thetr smt es
for the Honor Soctety.
Gettmg a ttc et from your dad before the Homecomtng parad was not Stacy Allbntton's tdea
of a JOke' Stacy and Ross Fran m enJoyed nd ng in the bnght red Corvette representtng the
Cnmtnal Jus ce Club.
17 4 Swee hearts and Hearth robs