Page 268 - chs-2001
P. 268

To A  Sp~ctal Son:
                                                    Con~atulatton 1117~ au VtrV proud of
                                               vou/  it l  ltard to  bd!~~ tit~ tim~ ha  arrtv~d for
                                               vou to  tart adulthood. It  um  a  tltouglt  It  rua
                                              onlv ve: -urdav.  Word  cannot de: -crib~ ltoru muc:lt
                                              Jov and ltapplne:  vou  ltav~ brought Into  our  live:  .
                                              Mav God bl~  vou on vour journey toruard
                                               ucce:   ,~lru~ rtm~mba that ru~ lov~ vou  And
                                              God ru!ll  n~a l~av~ vou or  for  ak~ vou  x~~P tit~
                                              fa!tlt  In  Cltr! t ]e:  u .
                                                      Mom" Dad

                                                  it seems like yesterday that I carried you m
                                               our home after you were born.  1 have watched
                                               you grow from a curious little boy into a
                                               determmed and "K-e/1-focw.ed young man  I am
                                               truly proud of the way you have carried yourJelf
                                               throughout the last 4 years and you have set a
                                               positrve and great example for tho  e to come.
                                               Your constant humor and great personality have
                                               hrought mu  hjoy to my life.  I pray that you
                                               receive all the many blessings God has for you
                                               As you contmue lifes journey,  may you always
                                               find laughter and happin ss while you work to
                                               make your dreamr come true.  Remember that
                                               with God all thinKS are po sib/e.
                                                                Your  B1g S1s

                                                 It ltas been a plea ure to qet to know
                                               vou and remember to: ~Tru t In the Cord
                                               with all vour heart: and lean not on
                                               vour own under  tanding.  In all thv
                                               ways acknow!edqe him. and he  !tal/
                                               direct thv paths.w 'Proverbs 3:5·6
                                                      'fa tor Willie Copeland

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