Page 395 - chs-2001
P. 395
Dear Megan,
a. We have enjoyed be1ng there for
I have enjoyed watching you grow nto the your T-ball, softball, and soccer
mpresslve bug you are today and loved aU
lhe big s ter duties along the way My m1nd seasons, your f1eld tnps, and your
s th' w1th great memones of times spent academic awards ceremon es. Your
with you-I guess that s \'1/hy we can many ta ents will provide you with
randomly speak rn Ul'liSOI'l and can fa into
hysterics with only a glance. I aanlre your great opportumties as you enter the
dediCation, w passion, and creetivrty-and next stage of your hfe. We are very
to have you as as· ter and a fnend is {h)-
uge. I am so proud of you and love you with proud of you. Remember that we love
all my heart-and just a fractiOn more. you and we will always be there.
Always, Love,
Mom and Dad
You are one of the hardest WOI'kers I have
ever known. Whether 's school, sports, or
other endeavors, you always r;j./e your best
effort. It may not always seem like it, but
people notl09. It that k1nd of attitude that I
make you a success.! want to thank you !Of
being a good friend ano playmate growtng
up, and an nsp atJon to me now. Also,
thank you fOf beng acoompl'lshed at
combating my sarcasm, 1t makes for a
greet d1nner banter. You may be the
youngest but you have qual that we aH
strive for I love you and am very proud of
Mags (Fu),
There aren't enoug, words and not near
enough time to express exactly how mLJCtl
you mean lo me. How do you sum up 18
years of games, secrets, laughter and love?
You are one of my best fnends and I would
honestly be lost wJthout you
I love you'
Ketti (Blue)