Page 480 - chs-2001
P. 480
1ravis (oves A f>er
FroM +he MoMent I uw you lieU in
love. I now flelieve in love a+ Firs+
figh+. SoMe+iMer people fearch +here
whole (iVef lor +rue love, fOMe+hing
fO fpecial +ha+ I have with you. I
fle(ieve +ha+ I've louncJ what I've fleen
looking lor lor fO long, ~ foul Mate.
I fle(ieve we wi(( have a great life ancJ
future together. You've flrough
More happinen ancJ joy in My life
+han anyone I've ever Me+. You Make
My every lan+uy and cJreaM coMe
+rue. /'M fo proud ancJ lucky to fie
par+ of your life. I hope +hat
evervone ge+f to experience the
fpecial leeling in +heir (ivef like how
fpecia( you Make Me lee(.1hank you
fo Much lor flringing Me ro Much (ove
ancJ happinen. Af (ong af we ftick
together we can ge+ through
anything. I love you fo Much.
love alwayf ancJ lorever
1ravir L. lo/ifwander
4 76 Amber Law