Page 52 - chs-2001
P. 52
Left: D1d you read for Mr.
Monts da1ly question? ..
Susan Sawyer and Rachel
Edenfield make sure they
understand what the read-
ing is about for the day.
Left: Carne Cumm1ngs
enJoys spending time out-
Side 1n Lake City. It's al-
ways a beautiful time of
year when the flowers
Left: "We learn so much
h1story in Mr. Monts
class, .. says this group of
people. Now, we can tell
our kids about things when
we take them on road
Above: Lasheka Tucker, Telec1a
Merricks and Cameo Bell are glad
that school is out. They pause for a
quick p1cture before they go to hang
out w1th their fnends
, Junior