Page 10 - chs-2002
P. 10
Middle School Chr1atm81 Poem
by Mrs Dottle Kn1ght
Twas the day before Christmas when aH through the school,
Mr Dorsett wished everyone a very cool yule
John Burnham had dozed ott and started to snore,
Wh1le John Woodley saluted and marched out the door
On the edge of h1s seat, MIChael Stephenson sat,
ready to spnng the second that 2:35 bell should ring
Keryn, Thomas, and Lance practteed soccer out an the hall,
Trav1s stole, passed to Gordon, then Chip scored with the ball.
Caltlenne sa1d, "I don't get it--why is ltle ball black-and-white
Falcon colors have red, so that ball can't be nght •
Scott and Chns Beatty stopped, puzzled, shaking thear head,
"Think about it, Catherine--was your volleyball red?"
Botti Ashley Joneses were doing their work.
Rachel C. fell asleep, but awoke with a Jeri<
When out in the hall there arose such a clatter
Margaret and Joel ran out the door to see what was the matter
And what to ltleir wondering eyes should appear
But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer,
With a little, OLD driver, so lively and quick
They knew in a moment at must be St Nicki
Jered L1zotte shouted "Oh,nol What a SIQht··
It isn't St Nicholas for sure, it's Mrs Knaghtl
More rapid than eagles down the corndor she came
As she whistled and shouted and called them by name
"Now Lakeisha, Now Nicole, Now Donna Corbett and Cory,
Shawn, help out·· muzzle Justin Register and LaToriel
QUiet, Brad! Qu1et. Brandon! Hush, Casey and Matti
Dan1elle and Levi, stop yelling like that!
Brent •• into the room Jason •• out of the hall
Now dash away, dash away, dash away all •
Meanwhile, Rachel and Megan, in Mrs Everett's class,
Were seen by Krystal a note to pass
It was not about school, oh, no, never fear
But about all the boys Amber had liked this year
In the library Mrs Ogden thought "By hook or by crook,
I'll get these students with overdue books
There's Anthony, Michael, Allessa, and Chris,
Andrew and Katie, on and on goes the list·
Bntnee, Kelly, Ann, and Halie started to cheer
Jason and Colt went FFA to try judging re1ndeer!
Mr L1pscomb sent lor Keisha, Katrin and Jay,
Kyle, Justan H , Justin P • Justin B , and Ondre
He promised ltlem a Christmas without any snow ••
For he was takang them South on a trip to Mexico
An elf stopped Chad, Brent, and James 1n the hall
To deliver a contract to play pro football
Kennon grabbed Dustin, made a blood-curdling sound,
Then tripped him and Kyle both fell flat on the 11round
He showed has muscles, shook hands, and gnnned--
Next ltling he knew John had all three panned.
A message came for Jarrod Greenwood, Brandi, Stephan1e Rice--
Santa was stall watching--were they naughty or nice?
Mr Foreman, sent tor Stephen, Ashley, Greg, and Mandr
To say "Merry Chnstmas, your behav1or's been dandy
An elf placed an inv1tation in Greg and N1sha's hand
To be on the Olympac Dream Team ltlat was JUSt be1ng planned
Elizabeth, Susan, Rudolph, Amy, and Prancer,
Jenna, Tracey, Comet, Blltzen, and Dancer,
Were seen an a corner, all taking bets