Page 107 - chs-2002
P. 107

Left: Fre  hmen enjoy making new friend  at
                                                                                CH  .  Ca  ey Urn  tead and Abigail Crow meet
                                                                                for lunch and catch up on the  Ia  of2005

                                                                                       Valerie Jenkins
                                                                                       Mindy Jenning
                                                                                       Terrell Jerry

                                                                                       Chri  topher Jezew  ki
                                                                                       Dee Johnson
                                                                                       Donald John  on

                                                                                       Jacob Johnson
                                                                                       Ja  on John  on
                                                                                       Lois John  on
                                                                                       Michele Johnson
                                                                                       Richard Johnson
                                                                                       Rocky Johnson

                                                                                       Tre  i  John  on
                                                                                       Brittany Johnston
                                                                                       Elizabeth John  ton
                                                                                       Brandon Jones
                                                                                       Chane! Jones
                                                                                       Jo  hua Jones

                                                                                        erva Jone
                                                                                       Antwan Julks
                                                                                       Carmen Kam
                                                                                       Peter Kamback
                                                                                       Danielle Kaus
                                                                                       Valerie Keaton

                                                                                       Brooke Keller
                                                                                       Chri  tina Keller
                                                                                       Larry Kelsey
                                                                                       Cry  tal Kent
                                                                                       Ta  hauna Killgore
                                                                                       Ja  on Kimball

                                                                                       Jennifer Kimbrell
                                                                                        amantha Kimler
                                                                                       Holly King
                                                                                        tephanie King
                                                                                       Meli  a Kingery
                                                                                       Derek Kirby
                                                                          .. ,   A.  1  "'   I  l  t

                                                                                                      Fr  hmen  103
   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112