Page 114 - chs-2002
P. 114
Right: Providing a houlder to lean on, enior hri Beatty give Brittany
peakman, Holly King, and hauna ' teen the upport they need for their
Fre hmen year.
Belo\ : Daryl Peterson, Tim Heatherman, amantha Krinler, Ro ky John on,
and Chauncey May work tirele ly on their te t. Positi e attitude keep
them motivated.
Lacretia pradley
Trevor pradley
Chri topher taffieri
Lander talvey
Alex teven
Kri tin tock
Sierra tockton
Jo hua toke
Jordan trickland
Pamela trickland
Ca ie und
Brooke undrla
John utton
Che terTan
Charle Tannachion
Randall Tanner
Dustin Taylor
Tiffanie Taylor
John Temple
Antonio Thoma
Cry tal Thoma
Derrick Thoma
110 Fre hmen