Page 131 - chs-2002
P. 131
Crusin' Through The Jungle
Left. After a hard day of working on the year-
txxJk. ed1tor. need a chance to relax. Bethany
Harden i\ o-E~htor·in·C'hief. while Je.,.,ica Clark
i' one of the Bu\mes\ Ed1tor.
Parade 2001
Left: Fre<,hman Ca,ey Um\tead 1 havmg
fun showing off her tule a Junior '-11..s
Far Left: Julie Jana\leWic7 and Du,tin
Mobley represent the band m the parade.
Du,tin i' Drum Major and Julie i' the Bnc'
cnior Cia ' Pre-.idcnt Tra\ I\
1\ having fun reprc-.cnting hi-. cl~'
m the Homecoming Parade.
Left: tacey Readout ha\ a hard time jug-
gling be1ng Mi\\ CH and Beta Club pre 1-
dent. but w1th a lmle help from Beta Club
-.pon\or Mr\. Shoup. <,he ha\ every thmg un-
der control.
Left: Jay Middleton ha<, been competing in
races for three year.. He crui'>C'> 1n the pamde.
revmg hi\ loud engine to impress the crowd.
Parade 127