Page 174 - chs-2002
P. 174

Take it to the mHXimum Power

           Team  member   amantha  urry,  Jennifer   Right:  In the power clean e  ent, Heather Bryant
         Bedenbaugh, Britnee  kinner,  mber Hamilton,   trie.  her third lift and make  it to  core point  for
         Heather Bryant, Cameo Bell,  ictoria Master  ,   the team.
           li  ha  Phillip  ,  Beth  Payne,  Kimbria  haw,
         Jacinta  Robin  on,  Alaina  Blair,  Jenna  Payne,
         Anna  ettle  ,  Ron  ae'  Ro  in,  Erica  Cole  ,
         Take  ha Arm  trong, Denisha Montgomery, Jewel
         Markham, Pari  Wil  on, Kry  tal Jone  have had
         an exciting  ea on.  They ended the  ea on with
         a 6-1-1  record.
           The  coaches,  Danny  Green  and  Donnie
         Harri  on, taught the girl  how to win.

         Below:  taying in  hape i  ery crucial to cheer-
         leader  .  Britnee  kinner and Cameo Belllo  e to
         lift weight  .

          Above:  Huddling  up  before  a  match,  Anna
           ettles,  Ron  ae'  Ro  sin,  Erica Cole  , Take  ha
          Arm  trong, Deni  ha Montgomery, Jenna Payne,
          Britnee  kinner,  and Cameo Bell  get fired  up
          for the big match.

          Right:  Cameo  Bell  i  waiting  for  Take~ha
          Arm  trong  to  stop  taring  in  pace  o  he can
           pot her. Spotting i  an important part of the  afety
          program of weightlifting.

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