Page 181 - chs-2002
P. 181

Fearsome Forehands Make a Racket!

                                                                                       The Girl  tenni  team ha  earned
                                                            Left:  arah  Leighty  sets  us  for  the
                                                                                      re  pect  in  thi  Di  trict.  Senior
                                                            next  hot.   he  knows  she can  do
                                                            anything if she puts her mind to it.   trong arm  Kara hunter will  im-
                                                                                      pact the team'  tanding with her
                                                                                      four year  of var  ity experience.
                                                                                      Coach Kim Halliday inspire  and
                                                                                      enourage  her team to alway  do
                                                                                      their be  t.

                                                                                       Left: Do you  ee double?  Playing as
                                                                                       a double.  team make  for twice the
                                                                                       skill and a lot of fun!

                                                                                       Above: Third-seeded player, Brenda
                                                                                       Reed,  put  her  all  into  every  hot.
                                                                                       Her  trength and determination has
                                                                                       served her well ac  . he make  her way
                                                                                       to the top!

                                                                                       Left:  arah Leighty show  why  he
                                                                                       i  the  number  two  player.  She
                                                                                       whack. · the ball with ease to her op-
                                                                                       ponent ·, never missing a  tep.

                                                           Left:  Freshman  Christine  Mo  e
                                                           knows  this  match  is  her ·!  he
                                                           watche  the ball clo. ely a  it leave
                                                           her racket..

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