Page 194 - chs-2002
P. 194


           Right: Fir t row: Charle  Bru  h,  Roger Coutler,
            eth  Carter,  Eric  Brook  ,  Michael  Bi  hop.
           Middle Row:  Matt Roxby, Matt Turner, Phillip
           Brhem, Garret  weat, Aaron Jenkin  , Matt Dicks.
           Back  row:  Head  Coach,  Billy  Young,  Doug
           Peeler,  tephen  a  h,  Chri  Coleman,  Aaron
           Wolf,  u  tin Peter  , Coach Green.

           Above:  ometime:  the  fence  eem  a  million
           mile  away but not for  lugger  like Au  tin  Pe-
           ter  who hope  to put one over the fence.

                                                Above:#l8 Eric Brook  take  a good defensive
                                                 tance before entering the batter  box.   Above: Checking out the strength of the
                                                                                      before he take  a  wing, Matt Dick  urvey
                                                                                      centerfield before  macking one in the hole.

           192  JV Ba eball
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