Page 334 - chs-2002
P. 334

1\&eslia 2(amesli Pate[

              'Words cannot t;'([lrt.Ss  fww proutf anti {ucky I                      'To  my tfearest Pookf.e.,
           am.  I  was  6Cessttf witfi your  6irtfi.  ?'ou  fiave                          Congrats!  :My  [i[' sis  isn't  fitt[e
           aCways 6un anti aCways wi{{ 6t tfit joy in my (ije.
           ?'ou art tfit star of my fitart.  'J(up on sfiining your                   anymore.   I've  1.Vatcfiea  you grow  up
           6rigfit {igfit.  We fiavt {aug/itt£,  we  fiave  criet{,  we               into  a  1.Vontferju[ person  witfi  a  caring
           fiavt  fiat£ strugg{es,  ana we  fiave  ceCe6ratetf many                   heart.  You've  6een  [oofJng forwarr£ to
           tliings.  I  am fortunate to fiavt you as my tfa.ugfiter
                                                                                      grarfuation for  a  [ong  time.  'We(~ it's
           6ecaust you fiave  6un a very strong sfwu{tft.r for
           me wfitn I one.  'l(r.mem6tr,  I  wi{{ aCways                   fina[[y  liere  ana you  t{itf it  witfi  sty[e.
           6t tfitre for you.  Congratu{ations on reacfiing tfiis                     I've  very proutf of you.  1(emem6er  tliat
           mi{estone.  (joa 6{ess you!                                                no  matter wfiere  we  are  pfiysica[[y,  we
                                         Love,                                        wi[[ a[ways  6e  together  in.  our  fiearts.
                                                                                      yo or£  [uck:_  in.  co[[ege  -- not  tfiat you'([
             usfia,                                                                   neetf any 6ecause  you've got  tfie  6rains.
              I  tfianl(_ (joa for giving  us sucfi a 6tautifu{                       yo get  'em  "cfioo-cfioo»!   I  [ove  you
           aaugfitu.  ?'ou art sucfi a 6{essing.  I'm vtry proua
                                                                                      a[  ways.
           of you.  ?'ou 'vt rtacfita tfit first sttp in ju{ji{{ing
           your a ream.  Congratu{ations!  'Xf_tp  up  tfit gootf,
           liar£ wor~ ?'ou wi{{ aCways 6t my Cittu gir£!                              Your  "1Jeetfee »,
                                   Love %ways,                                        Jasmine

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